Wrestling, Wrestling, Wrestling and Some More Wrestling!!!

Owner the past few months, I have gotten back into watching WWE wrestling and started up the collection. I have been finding it more fun to collect then the football and basketball I usually collect. Since I haven’t posted any of it here, I am going to do so in one post. The Mouth ofContinue reading “Wrestling, Wrestling, Wrestling and Some More Wrestling!!!”

Wrestling Add: 2022 WWE Prizm Mick Foley Legendary Autograph

While I generally don’t buy wrestling cards, when I saw this Mick Foley autograph, I knew I had to add it to the collection. It took me awhile to get the “PERFECT “ example where the autograph is 100% on the sticker as his swooping signature seems to run off the sticker quite often. TheContinue reading “Wrestling Add: 2022 WWE Prizm Mick Foley Legendary Autograph”